Photograph by: Heather Puett Photography
Photograph by: Hoa Duong Photography
This is the online portfolio of Riggsz (pronounced: Riggs-zee). Here, you will find all kinds of art- music, murals, sketches on paper cups…
Currently residing in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, Riggsz spends most of his time working on his “Wanderer” Series, while growing as a songwriter. He can pull inspiration from anything, making the world a constant muse.
His journey follows a path off the beaten trail. Having lived abroad throughout his life, the mind of Riggsz has been molded by the many temples, cultures, and people that have crossed his path. He thirsts for adventure, and thrives off of the adrenaline that is wanderlust. It is his greatest dream to trek the globe, sharing his work, and words.
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I have dedicated my life to the things I know best: the piano and the pen. With these two tools, the world can be my oyster, and, perhaps, I can lead a nation of artists into another Renaissance.
We must not be weak during the trials and tribulations of life and hardship. We must shed light during the darkest hours, for brighter days bring hope. And with hope, there will always be a chance for humanity.
I am lucky. I am fortunate enough to be a part of both the music, and art worlds. I intend to put myself everywhere, to remind everyone of the world that surrounds us, using the utmost amount of detail possible- to show the power of the hand and mind. My goal is to work, and create, with as little amount of technology as possible. Technology is beautiful in providing us the opportunity to do more than we ever thought imaginable, but the gift of our body and soul can never be beat.
If you find that there is not enough color in your world... Then, perhaps, I can be of service.